Wednesday 24 September 2014

Film day No.01

Today I filmed the first parts of my video. I decided to film all of the filler/montage shots that I would require as when I get the acted footage I can pick and choose what montage shots I can put between them. The filming went well other than one of my chosen locations was under construction so we were unable to film there. However, I'm taking it as a learning curve to be able to adapt to these kinds of situations and to plan ahead in the future, as you never know what may happen.

List of software and hardware used during the course of my product

The purpose of these graphs is for when I come back to review and reflect on my techniques used through out the entire production process.

Managing myself...

As it has got to the editing stage of the process, I've decided to do my editing at home as I have access to a Macbook Pro/iMac. Leaving lesson time for blog work. I chose to do this as I know that I won't update my blogger from home and enjoy/ feel more comfortable editing from home. I feel that I will be much more productive this way.

Reflections and challenges

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Reflections on filming through summer

Over the summer filming has been less than successful, due to personal faults and reasons out of my hands. On the filming days we chose we encountered problems such as, poor weather, locations being shut off and actors being away.

The poor weather was out of my control as the forecast changed on the day of filming, however, we had made a back up plan which involved some indoor filming. We travelled to the open factory where we planned to film and found that it had been shut down, this was within my control and caused due to poor planning.