Friday 18 July 2014

Links between lyrics and visuals

The ashes fall, the wine spills - Cigarette ashes falling and wine spilling from a bottle, this                                                                           .                                                       represent the struggles and bad habits brought on
                                                        by their life style and the neglect of their government.

Yeah, my country tis of thee
Sweet land of kill 'em all and let 'em die- Saluting the camera, shows the government neglect                                                                                     .                                                                        even when the people affected are being patriotic.

The end of time is like a hour away- Fast motion clock gives a sense of time internally to the  .                                                               video.

The stars on the flag are never shinin'- Flag scruffily sprayed on a brick wall, shows state of .       .                                                                    disarray in the country and a lack of belief in it.

Cause I live by the sword and die by the sword-Shots of guns, they're a modern day take on     .                                                                                   swords, but also connote the appropriate 
                                                                                    fear and danger as a sword would,   .           . . .                                                                                   especially in the hands of a young man.
Mama said take what you want, I took heed, yeah- Shots praying on floor, show a     . . . . . . .       .                                                                                        pure/innocent side to the people.
Now let it breathe, yeah- Exhaling smoke, again showing bad habits.

Back to life, back to reality- Snapping back into the real world...

Granted we do it for vanity not humanity- lots of jewellery commonly associated with vanity,   .                                                                       shows there materialistic views...
But what's appealing to me is under banana trees, Lord- ...Then contrasts them with natural  .   .                                                                                                      ideals.
I go so hard, I tried to pay homage but I was overcharged
Ain't that a bitch?- Shows again the religious side.

Two fingers to my head, pow, peace of mind- Showing there mindset and how easy it would . .                                                                               be to end it for themselves.

It's a cold world, I put on a mink- Controversial, putting on a mink in such a poor surrounding.

Yeah, God bless America
This so Godless America- Saluting again, showing a fading patriotism.

Will I die or go to jail today?- Police in background, showing binary opposition. 


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